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Votes And Voting

  • Votes Are Based On Each Owners' Share
  • At General Meetings decisions are taken by a vote in accordance with the percentage share each owner has been assigned.

First And Second Convocations

We distinguish between first and second convocations. In the first convocation of a General Meeting a majority is needed of the total number of owners and shares to make decisions. If such a quorum is not possible, one passes to the second convocation half an hour later, where the decisions can be taken with a majority of the persons and shares present. In some questions a qualified majority is needed.

Notice Of General Meeting

The General Meetings must be called giving at least 6 days notice, in accordance with the law. Some Communities have in their statutes a longer convocation period, or have taken a decision about this at a General Meeting.

Forwarding Of Notices

If no other decision has been taken, and the owner has not given any other address in Spain for notices, the law foresees the letter convoking the meetings may be directed to the property that forms part of the Community.

Minutes & Decisions Of The Community

All decisions on the meeting must be written down in minutes, and an information on decisions taken sent all members.

Rights Of Those Owners Who Do Not Attend The Meeting

The ones not attending the meeting, have 30 days to protest against what they feel are illegal decisions or decisions contrary to their economical interests and eventually take the matter to court.