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Community Fees

Budget & Bills For Fees

The ordinary General Meetings deal with accounting and budget for the Community. Once the budget has been approved, the Community, often the administrator, sends the bills to the individual owners in accordance with their "cuotas".

Payment Is In Advance

You must pay in advance, sometimes for the total year, or for part of the year.

Liability For Unpaid Fees When Property Is Sold

When a private property forming part of a Community is sold, the property is liable for the unpaid fees of the present year and the preceding year, nothing more.

Provision Of The New Law Regarding Outstanding Debt

And the new law provides that a certificate on whether a property has any debt before that property can be sold in a public deed. The Community must take legal action against non-payers to force them to pay before the debts become prescribed.

Obligation Of Owner To Pay Fees

If you are part of a legal Community, you are obliged to pay the fees.

Right Of Community To Collect The Fees

The Community is granted the right by the law to collect them.

Seizure Of Property For Non-Payment Of Fees

The courts may now in an abbreviated procedure place an "embargo" (a seizure) on the inscription of a property for unpaid Community fees, and later even place it for sale at public auction.